Unit 1 Exam (Civil Rights History)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Part I:
(Answer all questions in Part 1)

1. What lesson was Jane Elliot trying to teach her students in the Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes experiment?

2. Do you think her lesson was effective? Explain. 

3. In class we discussed the negative effects of prejudice in society. List and explain two examples discussed in class.

4. What is white privilege? Give two examples from the checklist we discussed in class.

5. Some argue modern racism (which is more subtle) is more difficult to combat than racism of the past (which was more overt). Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

6. What is institutional racism? Please give one example of institutional racism in the criminal justice system.

7. What is the "hidden curriculum"? Give an an example of the "hidden curriculum."

8. What is a hate crime? 

9. What clues do investigators look for when determining a crime a hate crime?

10. What is "backlash"? Give an example of backlash from American history. 

Part II:
(Answer any seven questions)

1. What was Jim Crow?

2. What was the purpose behind Jim Crow?

3. List four examples of Jim Crow laws (in education, housing, marriage, etc.)

4. What strategies did many African Americans utilize in an effort to physically and psychologically survive in the Jim Crow south?

5. What does the noose represent in American history?

6. What is a "noose-related" incident? What are the societal impacts of "noose-related incidents"?

7. Briefly explain the impact the Plessy v. Ferguson decision had on race relations in the South.

8. Briefly explain the differences between race riots of the past and race riots today.

9. What is groupthink? Explain how groupthink has played a role in race riots and lynchings in American history.

10. What was the Rosewood Massacre? Years later, how did the Florida state legislature try to rectify the Rosewood tragedy?

11. (From the Scottsboro documentary, 2 part question) INorris v. Alabama (1935), the Court ruled that the exclusion of blacks from jury rolls deprived black defendants of their rights to equal protection under the law. What was the main evidence that blacks had been excluded from jury rolls? 

Why would this exclusion deprive black defendants of their rights to equal protection under the law?
