Ripped Paper World Map Project - Middle or High School Geography
Earlier this week I presented my students with a challenge. Create a world map using construction paper, glue, and a sharpie. No scissors.
Students were not allowed to use any tools to cut out their continents. They had to tear their continents from construction paper. After their continents were ready, students were asked to label them and then glue them in place.
Each student's map needed a title, compass rose, key, symbols, Equator, and Prime Meridian, and all the continents and oceans had to be labeled.
Most of my students had a blast creating their maps. Of course, a couple students were anxious; worried their continents wouldn't look nice. With some reassuring, they proceeded and did just fine.
This activity is a perfect back-to-school or sub-day activity. It required very little prep and materials. I let my students use any color construction paper they wanted as long as they selected two different colors.
The results were fantastic! Grab your copy of the instructions!