English 509 and 510 (First Assignment)
1. Go to http://www.goodreads.com
2. Set up an account.
Enter email address.
Create a password.
3. Create your profile.
Only use your first initial and entire last name.
Under details, enter "River Valley High School"
You may add interests if you wish but keep it appropriate please.
Enter a photo if you wish.
4. Add me (Lea Hansen) as a "friend."
5. Search for either Stargirl or Thirteen Reasons Why.
6. Add your book to a "bookshelf." Choose "currently-reading."
7. Read two positive (four or five stars) and two negative (one or two stars) book reviews of the book you will be reading. We will discuss what you read in class.
8. If you have time, you may add books to your "to-read" bookshelf and books to your "read" bookshelf. If you add a book to your "read" bookshelf, don't forget to rate the book.
9. Check http://www.goodreads.com daily. When I send you an invitation to join the group, Room 71, accept the invitation.
2. Set up an account.
Enter email address.
Create a password.
3. Create your profile.
Only use your first initial and entire last name.
Under details, enter "River Valley High School"
You may add interests if you wish but keep it appropriate please.
Enter a photo if you wish.
4. Add me (Lea Hansen) as a "friend."
5. Search for either Stargirl or Thirteen Reasons Why.
6. Add your book to a "bookshelf." Choose "currently-reading."
7. Read two positive (four or five stars) and two negative (one or two stars) book reviews of the book you will be reading. We will discuss what you read in class.
8. If you have time, you may add books to your "to-read" bookshelf and books to your "read" bookshelf. If you add a book to your "read" bookshelf, don't forget to rate the book.
9. Check http://www.goodreads.com daily. When I send you an invitation to join the group, Room 71, accept the invitation.