More Project Ideas

Many of you completed the "Hidden History: Images in Action" activity and asked if I knew of similar activities. I'll provide links to a few activities that are similar in style or content:
Learn more about kids around the world:

Teenage Refugees:

Child Soldiers:

Landmines in Cambodia:

Darfur (student video, "Projections")

Responding to Genocide (Podcasts and Blogs) THIS SITE LOOKS EXCELLENT...I plan to spend a lot of time looking at this site.

Facing History and Ourselves: Be the Change

I have other links on the blog relating to this activity, here is one:

Project suggestion:
Some of the sites above are lesson plans, others are activities such as videos you can watch, podcasts you can listen to or stories and/or slide shows you can read/view. If no specific instructions are provided in the lesson or activity, you may earn credit by posting comments under this post. In your comment, tell me which site you looked at? What was the topic you explored in the site? Why did you choose this particular site over another? What did you learn from this site? What do you plan to do with the information you learned? (Do you plan to share this information with anyone else? Do you plan to learn more about this topic? What else could you do with this information?)


aagaard- I watched the video....interesting but plausible...I don't think so. It's a bit too conspiratorial for me (and I'm pretty cynical!) Anyway, I don't see how it would be possible to plan and implement such a horrible, evil and diabolical act that ended in the deaths of thousands of people and no one talk (meaning, for something like 9/11 to go down, obviously a lot of people had to be involved) I find it unbelievable that no one has talked yet....anyway, I better respond to some other comments...thanks for sharing the video though.
jaleesaWH said…
but yeah...I'm going to work out of the books...and do some things with those books and yeah.....any awesome ideas like on glbt topics and such peace!
do ya yant said…
1.Many people are getting blown up by the landmines from after the wars.
2.Landmines are set and placed somewhere where someone will step or hit it and then the landmines will destroy anything within a certain reach.
3.Soldiers in the war used landmines against there enemies and the reason I think you shouldnt use them is because it destroys so much.
4.They could of lost family members in an explosion
5.They say that they are going to try to ban landmines from war later on.
Stadele U.S. said…
1. People, particularly children are getting killed by landmines after the wars are finished.
2. Landmines are set then placed on the ground or burried, and when people step on them or when vehicles drive over them they explode making them go blind, taking limbs off, or killing them. They were used in Vietnam and other was over seas.
3. Land mines can be nice because you can kill the enemies without having to use physical force, but if they dont go off innocent people mainly kids get killed by them.
4. They are limited on what they can do and where they can go, and they have to live there lives in fear of getting hurt.
5. To try to ban the use of landmines. Its bad and tey kill 40 innocent people every day.
jaleesaWH said…
The Salmonella Outbreak Hits 1,000 Cases With a New Culprit. I just read the article on the Lede...... about how the Salmonella is now proving inconclusive with jalapeños....i think that you shouldn't put chemicals on your produce....and that you should go organically and you shouldn't have to have GM foods because it is harmful to put unnatural things in your body but I'm not one to talk but yeah....i think that the salmonella broke out because people are doing anything to make a buck even if its at another's life's stake...its ridiculous
jaleesaWH said…
i just found this article on cnn news online europe about how these two sibling were seperated at 17 and 7 years old. the sister kissed her brother good bye and he pushed her away because he doesnt like a 7 year old would do. it was a heartwarming story because wsseolod never gave up on trying to find his sister irene. it took him 17 years to find her but he did. it just goes to show what family values were like back then.
skylor- Got your answers. This satisfies another project requirement.

In the lesson, did they mention the effect these land mines have on children? It seems like I remember hearing that Cambodia has more land mines per square foot than anywhere else in the world. Is that true?
do ya yant said…
Children Soldiers

1.People are afraid that the children will die or end up believing in nothing but war.
2.Throughout the world 36 different countries including columbia, mexico, Iraq, Iran, and Afganistan use child soldiers.
3.They are easy to control. They are used for clearing landmines and they are human shields.
4.It affects us because the children are the future of the world and if they are being trained to kill thats what our world will be like in the future.
5.That in the future the world might have a lot of wars if it doesn't stop soon.
do ya yant said…
The affects it has on children are that they are being used in the war and they are used to clear the landmines and as human shields. Im pretty sure that it mentioned that cambonia was the worse for landmines.
Stadele U.S. said…
1. Child soldiers havent even been able to live a life yet and there off getting killed in wars.
2. There used in NGOs(non-governmental organizations) including Mexico, turkey, Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, and 30 more countries around the world.
3. They are easy to brain wash into doing things they cant yet understand. They are used to clear landmines and as human sheilds, the girls are used as sex slaves.
4. The society will suffer because all of those kids that survive will grow up thinking about the war and some of them will most likely have shell shock.
5. The international documents are used to help stop the use of children in armed conflict.
skylor and stadele- Are either of you familiar with Ishmael Beah's memoir, A Long Way Gone? I have information on the blog about this book....I may even have audio clips. Take a few minutes to look at Ishmael Beah's website. If you can't find links on the blog, google his name or the title of the book. I may have misspelled his name, I'm not sure.
Post your comments here.
Here is the link to Beah's website:
do ya yant said…
Beah was from Sierra Leonna. He was trained at the age of 12 to fight with modern warfare techniques. He was trained with an AK-47 and was given many drugs to help him with the struggles of only being 12 and in a war. The military would make him take amphetamines, marijuana, and a mix between cocaine and gun powder known as "brown brown."
skylor- got your comment. This satisfies a project requirement. By the way, have you seen the movie, "Blood Diamond?" The issue of child soldiers is dealt with in the movie.
Stadele U.S. said…
Beah got to the point on drugs where he was killing everything that moved, he admitted to slitting the throat of a trussed prisoner and then shot all of the people in the swamp.
After he returned they sent him to the United Nations where he went to rehab and recieved counseling. Later on he went to the U.S. and graduated highschool.
stadele, got your comment. This satisfies another project requirement.
tylermi w said…
The landmines in Cambodia was a really interesting artical. I already know a great deal about landmines and there effects but this aretical was a good refresher. Also the children of the world was a ver ygood post to ... jus tfigured ide tell u all my opinion on a few of the links posted.
tylermi w said…
sorry about my often bad spelling... i have a habit of typing to fast and often i misspell words...
Copus US said…
i have a question after the holocaust could i do another project.
L McBaker4 said…
Child soldiers

The moral issues is that most are young teens or even younger and do not know what’s right from wrong quite yet and growing up like that does not help in a war effort. Also because of them being just children they don’t have as good as training so there are many just to use and get killed, an unfortunate happening.

Children are used all around the world in armed conflict where there isn’t a governmental infrastructure in place to protect them.

Children became involved in the armed conflict because they are physically and mentally easy to control.

Society suffers because children are being taken away from their families, then the children as well are possibly messed up for the rest of their life because of all of the war and brutality they have been through or even first hand experience of themselves.

The Convention offers a vision of the child as an individual and as a member of a family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to his or her age and stage of development. By recognizing children's rights in this way, the Convention firmly sets the focus on the whole child.
mcbaker - Your answers are fine. Did you get a chance to look at Ishmael Beah's website yet. Also, you may want to look up "Arn Chorn Pond" on my blog. I've included a podcast you can listen to. There are projects and lessons associated with his podcast if you are looking for another project suggestion.

As soon as you get back to me on the Ishmael Beah website, I'll sign off on your project. (Spend some time looking at his website. If you have time, and most likely you do, listen to excerpts from his book, A Long Way Gone.)
copus - Are you finished with your slide-show? May I see it?

What topic are you interested in studying?
Copus US said…
yes but would you prefer sound or is it fine.
Copus US said…
cause i dont have any sound effects
No biggie on the sound. I'll be over to watch it.
copus - Excellent powerpoint. This satisfies another project requirement. Have you thought about your next project?