Mascot and Logo Issue

Resources on the issue:
Documentary: "In Whose Honor?"
National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media:
MANY Resources found here:
APA position on the issue:
Doing research on the issue and need sources? Here is a lengthy Bibliography:
More cartoons:
Many useful resources including cartoons and other images:
Stereotype of the Month Contest:
MANY resources found here:
Another good site:


tylermi w said…
Alright im just posting here to let u know i posted on the recent post about the movie Shindlers List.
L McBaker4 said…
I had just read the link “Understanding The American Indian Mascot Issue” and it really surprised me that there had been that much controversy over this by using Indians as mascots. Though coming/living in a place that doesn’t necessarily have that of an issue because of our mascots are either hornet, bull dogs or just names. Even if this problem is not happening where we are, it still does kind of effect me but the main problem I have is with the school rallies at some of these schools. Ok yea I understand WOOOT YEAH!! HOMECOMMING!!! FOOTBALL!! SPORTS!! That’s fine, we have it everywhere even acts and games against classes it’s the whole point of getting our spirits up for the big ole game…. but maybe sometimes it gets to far such as the banning of natives to use their own instruments to use in there religion in 1978 but in school the mascot used their instruments and mocking during games while they their selves could not use them. Maybe it was along time ago but I do not doubt that they still have schools that piss around with Indian religion just as a joke but as they say many Indians do not approve as well as many other peoples.
mcbaker...You'd be surprised. I'll see what I can find.
mcbaker- I just added a few more links...I thought you would find the links with cartoons and other imagery particularly interesting. I'd suggest spending some time looking at these websites. What do you think?
Rob said…
Thanks for the links. I also have a page that specifically addresses the mascot issue:

Team Names and Mascots
Copus US said…
About the mascot issue they sould not use the mascots if it enrages the indians. The people should pick something that is not the indian tribe related and that is the summary so far.