Inspiring Environmental Activism in Middle Schoolers with Prominent Figures on Earth Day

How can we spark enthusiasm and lifelong interest in the next generation of environmental leaders? One way is by showcasing the accomplishments of environmental leaders who have helped make our planet a better place. A bulletin board display featuring leaders in the environmental movement is an excellent way to achieve this goal.

The following individuals are leaders who have made significant contributions to the environmental movement:

  1. Aldo Leopold - considered the father of wildlife ecology and the author of "A Sand County Almanac," a book that highlights the importance of preserving natural resources.

  2. David Attenborough - a renowned naturalist and broadcaster who has made documentaries highlighting the importance of environmental conservation.

  3. Gaylord Nelson - the founder of Earth Day, a day to promote environmental awareness and action.

  4. Gifford Pinchot - the first Chief of the United States Forest Service, who pioneered the concept of sustainable forestry.

  5. Greta Thunberg - a teenage environmental activist who has inspired young people worldwide to take action on climate change.

  6. Henry David Thoreau - an author and naturalist who wrote about the beauty of nature and the need to preserve it.

  7. Jane Goodall - a primatologist and conservationist who has devoted her life to studying and protecting chimpanzees and other wildlife.

  8. John Muir - a naturalist and conservationist who founded the Sierra Club and played a significant role in the establishment of national parks.

  9. Lady Bird Johnson - an advocate for beautification and conservation who played a significant role in the passing of the Highway Beautification Act.

  10. Rachel Carson - the author of "Silent Spring," a book that brought attention to the harmful effects of pesticides and helped lead to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

  11. Theodore Roosevelt - a conservationist who played a significant role in the creation of national parks and wildlife refuges.

  12. Winona La Duke - a Native American activist who has fought to protect the environment and promote sustainable living.

By featuring these leaders in the environmental movement on a bulletin board display, you can inspire your students to take an interest in environmental conservation and to follow in the footsteps of these influential figures. You can also encourage your students to learn more about these leaders and their contributions to the environment through research projects or class discussions.

Check out my Environmental Heroes bulletin board here!

Looking for a documentary to share with your students on Earth Day? The following are some great suggestions:
  1. "An Inconvenient Truth" (2006): This documentary, featuring former Vice President Al Gore, provides an overview of the scientific evidence behind climate change and the potential consequences of inaction.

  2. "Before the Flood" (2016): Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, this documentary explores the impact of climate change and the potential solutions to address it.

  3. "Chasing Coral" (2017): This documentary examines the impact of climate change on coral reefs around the world and the efforts to protect them.

  4. "The True Cost" (2015): This documentary examines the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion and the importance of sustainable fashion choices.

  5. "The Lorax" (2012): This animated film, based on the classic Dr. Seuss book, promotes environmentalism and the importance of protecting nature.

  6. "Wall-E" (2008): This animated film is set in a future where the Earth has become uninhabitable due to pollution. It promotes environmentalism and the importance of taking care of our planet.

  7. "A Plastic Ocean" (2016): This documentary explores the impact of plastic waste on our oceans and the efforts to reduce plastic pollution.

  8. "Food, Inc." (2008): This documentary examines the environmental and social impacts of industrial food production and the importance of sustainable agriculture.

  9. "The 11th Hour" (2007): This documentary explores the impact of human activity on the environment and the potential solutions to address these issues.

  10. "Racing Extinction" (2015): This documentary examines the impact of human activity on endangered species and the importance of protecting biodiversity.

And finally, check out this excellent short video featuring Wisconsin native, and founder of Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson!

What films would you add to this list? I would love to hear your suggestions. Please share in the comments!

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