Mental Health TED Talks in the Classroom

Like many educators (especially High School educators), I incorporate TED Talks in my lesson plans. There are so many fantastic TED Talks to choose from on virtually every topic imaginable, it is no wonder so many educators incorporate them into their classrooms.

Recently, I visited the TED website, looking for a specific topic--mental health. The TED Talk I found was perfect. It met all the criteria I was looking for. I wanted something focusing on mental health. I wanted a TED Talk aimed at young people. I wanted a TED Talk less than 15 minutes in length. I found one that fit all three criteria! And an added bonus...this TED Talk hit another important criterion I wasn't initially looking for but I often include in my lessons--student engagement! (I think it is important for students to feel empowered, to learn about young people who are empowered and engaged in their communities, and to provide opportunities for students to practice these skills in and out of the classroom.)

The TED Talk I found is called "Why Students Should Have Mental Health Days," by Hailey Hardcastle. This short, but powerful talk focuses on the importance of mental health for young people and the reasons why schools should make mental health a priority. Ms. Hardcastle discusses her mental health journey and her work in the state of Oregon and elsewhere to  raise awareness of mental health, destigmatize mental illness, and push state legislatures to pass laws allowing young people to utilize mental health days just as they would "sick days." 

About the talk (from TED): 

School can be rife with stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and even burnout -- but there's often no formal policy for students who need to prioritize their well-being. Hailey Hardcastle explains why schools should offer mental health days and allow students time to practice emotional hygiene without stigma. Follow along to learn how she and a team of fellow teens transformed their advocacy into law.

I created a short lesson (including a hexagonal thinking activity) to be used in conjunction with this TED Talk. If you are interested in the TED Talk, click HERE. If you are interested in my lesson, click HERE

Interested in more mental health resources? Click HERE to learn more about my Mood Disorders Hexagonal Thinking Activity, HERE to learn more about my Mental Health TED Talk Bundle, and HERE to learn more about my Mental Health Awareness Bulletin Board. 

Check out my most recent TED Talk lesson based on Christina Costa's TED Talk, How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain. Click HERE.

I'm interested in how other educators incorporate mental health into their curriculum? Please share in the comments! 
