The Psychology of Spanking Infographic and Comprehension Questions

Psychology of Spanking

Which group was more likely to agree with this statement: "A child sometimes needs a good hard spanking." a) males with no high school diploma, b) males with some college education, c) females with a high school diploma, d) females with some college education

Which racial group was least likely to agree with that statement? a) White women, b) Black males, c) Hispanic men, d) Pacific Islander/Asian women

Who was more likely to agree with that statement? a) Christian b) Non-Christian

Who was more likely to agree with that statement? a) Democrat b) Independent c) Republican

What percentage of children are spanked before their first birthday? a) 1% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20%

True or False? An analysis of 88 studies over a 62 year period of time found a 94% consensus that spanking has minimal negative effects on children.

How many states allow spanking in schools?

True or False? Wisconsin allows spanking in public schools.

What region of the United States is most represented in allowing spanking in schools?

How many spankings in schools were reported in the 2009-2010 school year?

What is the position of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the issue of spanking?

What is the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics on the issue of spanking?

How many countries have a total ban on spanking?
List ten countries that have a total ban.

How many countries have no ban on spanking?
List ten countries that have no ban on spanking.

What do we know about brain scans of young adults who were spanked as children at least twelve times a year for three years?

What does this mean?

True or false? Adults who were spanked as children have more mental illness and experience more drug and alcohol abuse.

True or false? Adults who were spanked as children are more likely to to develop health problems such as obesity, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease.

True or false? When spanking fails, parents who rely on it tend to increase the intensity of its use rather than change strategies.

True or False? Adults who were spanked as children experience more family dysfunction and violence.

True or false? Married adults who were spanked as children are more likely to act more physically aggressive to their partner and tend to be more verbally aggressive toward their partner.

An effective discipline system must contain three elements. List them.

What is positive reinforcement?

True or False? A positive discipline system should include giving a reason for a consequence (which helps children learn appropriate behavior.)

True or False? Consistency with time-outs and removal of privileges can increase compliance from 25-80%

