Race Equality in America: Responding to the Graphic

Race Equality in America: How Far Have We Come?

The March on Washington was about more than ending racial discrimination in the United States. It also called for economic justice. What is economic justice?

When did home ownership peak for African Americans?

What percent of African Americans owned homes in 2012?

Which racial group had the highest percentage of home ownership in 2012?

Of the three racial groups represented in the graph, which group had the highest net wealth?

Which group had the lowest net wealth?

What percent of Fortune 500 company CEOs were minorities in 2012?

How has minority representation in the Senate and House of Representatives improved since 1963?
African American:
Native American:

How much improvement have African American's made in the number of Bachelor degrees obtained (since 1976-77)?

Of the three racial groups represented in the graph, which has the lowest unemployment rate? Which has the highest unemployment rate?

In 1960, Black men were ____ times more likely to be incarcerated than white men. That rate grew to _____ in 2010.

Of the four racial groups represented in the graph, which group had the highest voter turnout in the 2012 election?

Based on what you learned from the graphic, how successful has the struggle been for economic justice and racial equality since the March on Washington in 1963? Explain your answer.
