The New Seven Wonders of the World

7 New Wonders of the World
Refer to the link above to complete this assignment.
You will need a blank world map and an atlas to complete this assignment.

The winners were selected by over ________ million people who participated in the voting. The winners were announced in 2007.

Find all 7 winners on a world map and mark and label each with a red dot.
Find and label the remaining finalists on a world map. Mark with a black dot.
Circle all North American winners and finalists with a yellow circle.
Circle all South American winners and finalists with an orange circle.
Circle all European winners and finalists with a pink circle.
Circle all African winners and finalists with a purple circle.
Circle all Asian winners and finalists with a blue circle.
Circle all Australian winners and finalists with a brown circle.

Choose two winners and two finalists to research. List three interesting facts about each. You can learn more about the winners and finalists by clicking on their pictures.
