Room 167: The Century America's Time: Homefront
Room 167: The Century America's Time: Homefront: 1. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? 2. How did the American people react to the b...
4. Discuss the transition from a peacetime economy to wartime economy that occurred in the United States during World War II.
6. Why were women accepted in the defense industries after some initial reservations and resistance?
7. World War II was not fought on American soil. Nevertheless, the impact of the war was tremendous. How did World War II alter the American homefront?
8. How did the United States use propaganda to unify the American people behind the war effort?
9. Why were Japanese-Americans banished to internment camps? Why weren’t German-Americans or Italian-Americans interned? Why is this one of the greatest civil rights violations in American history?
10. Discuss the impact of D-Day on the course of the war.
11. Discuss the impact of FDR’s death.
Century America’s Time: Homefront
bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
2. How
did the American people react to the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
3. What
is a citizen soldier? Why does the United
States have a particular history of citizen soldiers?
4. Discuss the transition from a peacetime economy to wartime economy that occurred in the United States during World War II.
5. Women
workers increased dramatically during the war. Why was there resistance
at first to women working in war plants?
6. Why were women accepted in the defense industries after some initial reservations and resistance?
7. World War II was not fought on American soil. Nevertheless, the impact of the war was tremendous. How did World War II alter the American homefront?
8. How did the United States use propaganda to unify the American people behind the war effort?
9. Why were Japanese-Americans banished to internment camps? Why weren’t German-Americans or Italian-Americans interned? Why is this one of the greatest civil rights violations in American history?
10. Discuss the impact of D-Day on the course of the war.
11. Discuss the impact of FDR’s death.