The Human Footprint
The Human Footprint
Human-Environment Interaction
In your own words, tell me what the “Human Footprint”
True or false? Only 17 % of the earth’s surface is unaffected
by us.
The average American child will use approximately
_______________ diapers over a 2 ½ year time-span.
The primary ingredients in diapers are crude oil,
___________ and _________________.
True or false? It will take at least 500 years for a
disposable diaper to biodegrade.
The average American will consume _________________
pints of milk over a lifetime.
The average American will consume ___________ tons of
beef over a lifetime.
The average American will consume __________ tons of
pork over a lifetime.
The average American will consume ______________ eggs
in a lifetime.
The average American will consume ______________ loaves
of bread in a lifetime.
True or false? The average American consumes 25 pounds
of candy a year.
The average American will eat ____________ bananas and
______________ oranges in a lifetime.
True or false? The average American will consume over
40,000 cans of soda in a lifetime.
How many showers does the average American take in a
lifetime? _______
How many tubes of toothpaste will the average American
use in a lifetime?
How many bottles of shampoo will the average American
use in a lifetime?
Circle the correct answer. Over a lifetime, the average American will
discard 10
tons, 30 tons, more than 60 tons of garbage.
Do you think different cultures use and consume resources
at different rates? Explain.
What are some of the consequences of using and
consuming so much stuff?