Central America and Mexico Map Work

Using the "Land Use and Resource", "Climate", "Vegetation", and "Environmental Issues" maps, answer the following questions:

1. The western coast of southern Mexico and most of Central America has what type of climate?

2. What type of vegetation grows best in this climate?

3. Name one other country that shares this climate.

4. Looking at the Land Use and Resources map, what major resources can be found in Central America?

5. In what part of Mexico do you find most of the land being used for livestock ranching?

6.  Is oil a major resource in Mexico?

7. What is the major type of vegetation in Central America?

8.  Which Mexican city has been designated as a city suffering from poor air quality?

9.  Which Central American countries have experienced wide-spread deforestation?

10. Are there any areas in Mexico or Central America affected by acid rain? How can you tell?
