Child Poverty in the United States;contentBody

Read the articles linked above and answer the questions below.

The United States government considers and income of __________ for a family of four to be "poor."

List five of the 10 "indicators" of child poverty according to the national study on child well-being conducted by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

How many states had increases in the number of children living in poverty?

Children who grow up in poverty are more likely to___________ and less likely to _____________.

What percentage of American children live in economically insecure homes?

Children in which state have been affected most by foreclosure and/or their parents' job loss?

Which state has the worst high school graduation rate in the nation? Which state has the highest graduation rate in the nation?

Which state has the highest percentage of children living in poverty?

List two programs that can act as a "dam" against the flood of poverty?
