Assault on Gay America

Psychology students: After viewing "Assault on Gay America" spend some time visiting the sites below. Take the quiz or complete the self-assessment. If time permits, post any comments you may have about the quiz, Dr. Kimmel's assertion that there may be a link between homophobia and sexism or the research expanding on Freud's theory regarding homophobia.

Frontline: Assault on Gay America
Viewers Guide:
Read the introduction and take the quiz:

Self-Assessment (Copy and complete):
More on Sexual Prejudice (the section on correlations is very interesting)
Scientific research on homophobia:
Lesson Plan:
Other blog posts relating to this topic:


gander3 said…
i found it kinda hared to anwser some of the questions on one of the are you homofobic quizes. i almost felt guilty for some of my "agree/strongly agree" anwsers. I never really realized how much this topic is involved in my almost everyday life. I think by doing this we've learned a better understand that even if you say "Thats Gay!" to someone thats not it means nothing offensive but to those that are it could be taken very seriously!
Maggie said…
I score as high-grade non-homophobic... yea I kinda knew that already lol... I don't see how people can hate homosexuals... To me it makes absolutely no difference if a person is homosexual or not...I really cannot see how it can make a difference to people and it makes me so sad that it does to so many! =(
allbaugh3 said…
This quiz made me realize that homophobia is part of a majority of people in this society. I don't think people mean to but, I think many people view gay people differently and judge them harshly. They are more uncomfortable around these people, and they really don't understand them. After I saw my results on this quiz, it made me realize that I myself may be judging gay people too harshly and should look from their point of view.
Anonymous said…
I didn't like the quiz very much, because I dont think about my gay friends any differently as my straight friends.. they are all people.. and should be looked at the same. Not labeled..
ckupsh3 said…
I got high grade non-homophobic...In the movie we were watching to day, parts of it made me really mad. Why should people who are gay be discriminated against just because of something that's written in the bible? the bible also says women are less than men; are we going to listen to that, too? Plus, the bible is just a book. If you're not religious at all, why should the rules of someone else's religion still be pushed on you?
ckupsh3 said…
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TravelTheWorld said…
I scored a high- grad non-homophobic so thats obviouisly good i knew that already though. I think that the bible is mis interpreted. I don't see how gay people r so bad
ckupsh3 said…
Hey Mrs. George! I just wanted to tell you that I had a really awesome time in psych this year. It sucks that you're not going to be here next year; we'll miss you!
jaleesaWH said…
i scored high grade non homophobic, i have a lot of good friends that are gay and bi....i have no problem about homosexuality, i think a lot of people make a big deal about gay rights and saying it is immoral. personally i think love is love and it is no one else's business. people need to back off saying that's gay doesn't bother me and if a gay person is comfortable with their sexuality wouldn't be offended by it. i personally believe same sex marriage should be legal. you can go online or look in a magazine and see all of the celebrities that are gay and society doesn't really have a problem with it. others shouldn't either
jaleeswah- If you'd like, I can show the video I am referring to in the blog post. After you watch it, you can post another comment for credit. (The video was originally on PBS - it is a very powerful documentary covering several well-known murders of men who were gay. I typically show the video in Psychology or Social Psychology class as part of our discussion of prejudice and discrimination.) The video also delves into the psychology behind homophobia and the history of homophobia.
jaleesaWH said… love to watch the video....can i borrow it???? I'd love it....the class is going pretty can i do worksheets as well??? just wondering....well can i do little "side projects" like alot of things for gay rights and our culuture on what they are glorifying now vs. what they did in the earlier years ( 1920-30s) or a look on each decade what they glorified vs. now