Presidential Primaries and Caucuses

Wisconsin Vote Website
Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on the map of the United States (Heading: NPR and NewsHour 2008 Election Map). Now, click on Wisconsin. When are the Democratic and Republican primaries held in Wisconsin?

Listen to Kathleen Dunn's 9:00 program. Carl Bernstein is her guest. He will discuss the New Hampshire presidential primary. Answer the following questions:
1. Who won the Democratic primary in New Hampshire?
2. Who came in second and third in the Democratic presidential primary?
3. Who won the Republican primary in New Hampshire?
4. Who came in second and third in the Republican presidential primary?
5. What does Bernstein say about Hillary Clinton's standing in New Hampshire considering the press had all but "written her off" after her third place outcome in the Iowa Caucuses last week.
6. Does Bernstein have any comments about the Republican victor in the New Hampshire primary.
7. Your comments about caller questions or other guests:
