Online Quizzes - Inequality

3rd and 4th Period Psychology classes: Visit the following sites and take the online quizzes. Some of the sites contain activities pertaining to the issues of prejudice, discrimination and racism. Do the sorting activity. When you are finished with the quizzes and activities, post a comment. What did you learn from the quizzes and activities?

Online Quiz:
Sorting Activity:
"What's Race Got To Do With It?"
Although this web site is intended to supplement a McGraw-Hill anthology entitled Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination, all pages and activities are freely available and can be used with other texts or on their own.
Online Quiz - Prejudice
Images in Action - Learn More About the History of Prejudice

Harvard Online Test - Implicit Biases
Tell Your Story
Vote in the Mix it Up Poll
List of links pertaining to prejudice - Useful for future projects, etc.
Understanding Sexism online Quiz
Learn more about Implicit Associations Tests
Hidden Bias: A Primer
American Psychological Association: Thwarting Prejudice
"Baby-Doll" Study - Clark's Research (See images above)


If you have trouble posting your comment, write your comment on a piece of paper and give it to me before the end of class.
Anonymous said…
the quiz was very difficult in that it was 5 years ago and im living right now where the times have changed, i found out things that i didnt know and things that i really havent thought about. it did open my eyes to some of the disadvantages of blacks and of women in the workforce.
A Stenli said…
I took the quiz and I learned that typically the rich white male holds the highest place in society. They get more benefits, as well as opportunities then everybody else. Also, even when ALL different races (and genders) have the same amount of schooling or work just as hard as one another, white men earn more than white women and both men and women of other races. This not only shows the "new racism" that we have been discussing in class, but also a large amount of sexism as well.
taylor said…
Well i just finished with the activity where i had to put a bunch of people into racial categories based on their pictures and i thought it was really hard. there were a few pictures i was almost positive about that were completely wrong....i think it just goes to show that race isnt nearly as concrete as most people think it is
Jared said…
i learned in the quiz that there is a gap in the way our people live finacially, comparing the seperation of the rich and poor and that alot of the things you think the US is about isnt really different from other european countries and the matching quiz showed me you cant judge what a person is by looking at them
Colton said…
I learned that although I may have thought that i knew what culture or race people were by how they looked I was wrong. The quizzes were very hard. They tested what were some of the disadvantages of being African American or a woman and working.
nora said…
The quiz was pretty interesting. I'm glad to know what I didn't know before. I found that the connection between the matching game and the quiz was that it takes learning and knowing what you're thinking about to think accurately about a subject such as what race someone is or just how many male workers there is to female workers. During the matching game, I couldn't help but feel a little racist...can you imagine having your kids doing a card game like that? Seriously, what would that teach them...? Well anyway it taught us that even though someone's black, they're not really black. It's even more extreme than I thought, which is cool.
epeckham said…
I did the sorting activity, and it proved to me just how much we CAN NOT determine or judge just by looking at someone's appearance. This still goes on even though times have changed, and people need to open their eyes and dig deeper before making a judgment or opinion of someone.
Maggie said…
The inequality quiz shows how much prejudice still exists.. E.g. the fact that in 1998 there were 35% who didn't want a relative to marry a black person. I didn't exprect it to be that much. Also, the percentage of male blacks being in prison is shocking, and so is the fact that the unemployment rate of blacks is twice as high as the one of whites.
I feel bad about that and it's spo obvious that there's no fair treatment.
The gernder and racial gap in earnings is really big.

I think there should be more stuff about that in the media, we shouldn't just pretend racism (and sexism) wasn't there because then it's going to get worse. There are propably a lot of people who think everything is ok.
Tiffany said…
I finished the racial activity, picking out people based on race. I found it a little hard because some people sometimes look a different race than they really are. At the same time you don't want to sound extremely racial and say something like "well I thought they were black and they were white". It was kind of hard and peoples' pictures seemed very different than I thought.
ashley said…
I thought that the sorting game was very interesting...I completed it, and ended up getting only five of them correct. You can't just classify a person's race based on what they look like. It's nearly impossible to guess the correct race of a person by just looking at their outward appearances, which is why I like the fact that people can choose their own classification on census enumerators. You are the only person that knows your true race.
stormy2190 said…
i realised that i tend to automaticly chose white people over blacks without thinking about it. ive also realised that blacks tend to have more trouble making money as whites
Miss Makara said…
I took the quiz on inequality and also did the activity where you had to quickly place males or females for careers or families. It only seemed to prove nothing. I didn't understand the point. The inequality quiz just proves that I know nothing at all. And the results to the male and female activity wasn't fair. It seemed so unreal and far from logic.
aschultz said…
I took the quiz on categorizing people by how they look. I thought it was actually very difficult. I noticed too that they kept everyone looking pretty similar, no extremes. It really reminds you that you can't judge a book by its cover.
Bradie said…
I just finished many of the activitis on the blog. I think this was a really great activity, and I learned alot of new stuff from this...These activities really make you confront things that you may have ignored in the past. I really realized that things are way different then they may appear...
Colt4 said…
This quiz is very interesting and enlightening on topics that many people do not want to face or admit. I think this quiz will be a true eye-opener to many people. Very good and very true.
It seems as if a lot of people have strong feelings about the activity in which you categorize people according to gender/career, etc. This activity reminds me of a similar study where children are asked to draw a picture of a doctor...guess what? Most children drew a man!
Katy4 said…
After finishing the racial sorting activity I realize how true the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover" is. How I see peopole based on the stereotypical images learned in American society is not how people see themselves. Only one of the people I catagorized as 'white' was actually 'white.' Judging people on appearances is something we all do, but it's also something that we usually get wrong.
Unknown said…
The sorting people quiz was alot more difficult than i thought it would be. It seemed like they intentional made it difficult to tell the difference between people, also some of the photos were of lower quality than some of the others. Since people are unique, they may be of a certain ethnic group even though it doesn't look like it.
Sarah4 said…
I just got done with the sorting activity. Doing the quiz was good but you I thought that the sorting was a real eye opener. I got 75% wrong, and that just shows that you can't "sort" people like that.
bennie said…
I took the quiz i think it was intresting..but i think there is nothing wrong with the rich white man after all he has earned his money and has diserved his position! so why shodnt he be alowed what he wants..If u want to be rich do somthing about work hard and earn and quit complaining
Ethan4 said…
I did both the gender and race quizzes.... they both seemed pointless to me as if they were just messing with our heads. They only showed what most of the quiztakers results were, and not of what i did. so i mean they are probably good for most people but for me they werent that effective.
Noelle4 said…
I managed to get through every link on this post during the class period, except for the IATs. However, I've already taken 4 or 5 of the IATs at home, related to race, sexual orientation, politics, and weight. The activity today that was hardest for me was the one where you sort people by race. My difficulty came partially from living in Richland Center my whole life, where we have very little racial diversity, and partially from the fact that the photos were really small, even after you enlarged them. I did manage to get some of the answers right, but I wasn't that surprised by the fact that I didn't do very well. The quiz about knowledge of inequality was also very interesting for me. I got the first few questions right, but didn't do so well after that. I think I got 5/12 right. Commonly, my mistake was to assume that things were worse in the United States than they actually are. However, I still feel like I learned a lot from it. The last thing I spent a lot of time on was the "Share Your Story" page. I decided to view the archives on the site and look under the topic headings that interested me. Some of the stories were very interesting to read, though some of them just upset me... Anyway, I feel like this was a class period well-spent, asnd I think I've learned a lot today.
Chelsea4 said…
I did the activity on putting people into categories quickly, it was fun but im not sure the results can be that acurate just based on how long it takes you to put them into categories and how many times you mess up.
Jessie said…
I've taken the first four quizzes, and the only reason I'm pausing to write this is because time is running out! the racial quizzes where you sort people and things into categories were mind-opening, but all the rest were good as well. the 12 questions about balance in society was extremely interesting as well! the sorting game blew my mind...i hated it, actually. people aren't just pictures, and i REALLY hate putting people into categories anyway. it was interesting, however, to see how it works in your mind.
dustink said…
I did the quiz on what group you had to put people in there right races and i thought that one was a bit diffucult because they looked like they belonged in that race but they were in a completly different race .
Colt4 said…
I took both the gender and racial quizzes. The fast relexes and short time you get to answer really messes with you. I think this quiz is kind of silly and messes with you mentally. When I messed up on one I would then mess up on the next five before getting back to normal. The racial answer I agreed with but the gender was not close. I don't trust these quizzes that much.
Grant 4 said…
I did both the race and gender quizes, both of which seem to just show you that you are sexist or racist.It's easy for a computer program to tell you your views on the matter....because you know computers converse with others in REAL life, NOT!! The quizes make you think fast, if you logically think through things you will have a better opinion on a subject, this is a fact.NOT some study by SOME group who thinks that life is just unfair for a certain group or cause. Well ya know life isn't fair all the time, you have to work for what you get in life and take the bumps in the road as well as the smooth stretches. And Mrs. George about the asking kids to draw a doctor and they drew a male......I'll bet you that if you asked the same one's to draw a nurse they'd draw a woman. Our culture is gender sensitive, although it is getting better. Jobs are slowy evolving and allowing males and females to persue careers that they may have not been able to before. If a woman chooses to be a doctor so be it, if a male is a nurse good for them. Atleast there doing something with there life and benifiting society.
Anonymous said…
I thought the 1st quiz was kinda hard and confusing but the 4th one kinda plays with your mind so thats different but in the 1st some of the questions ask how our economy is and to answer that our economy is good to not have poverty or any flaws in it yeah right my friends that sounds like a bunch of little rich guys who got picked on as a kid wrote it and they think its all fine and dandy cause their living all right I bet that group who made that was given everything they wanted and more and that sorting the people game into which race they are that ain't right i'm sorry oohh lets see how good people are at recognizing races aren't we suppose to be one big race and not label people or put them into groups plus Mrs. Hansen-George when most people think of a doctor they think of a man ok ok I see but ask that question again for them and ask them to draw a nurse.....guess what most I would guess would draw a woman see the street goes 2 ways. Nuff Said.
Liz4 said…
I took some of those quizzes and I must say some of them were very difficult the one that boggled me the most was the one where u had to match the peoples faces to what ethnic group they were from. I suppose I should admit that I did go for appearence I would have never guessed that some of those people that looked white actually had some different backgrounds. It was crazy! I also did the gender and race quiz now that just was insane with all the fast paced clicking. It was really interesting. Could you get more quizzes like the matching and gender and race one?
ashlee4 said…
I took the quiz on inequality and I found it very interesting because i found that most of the answers to the questions were in my opinion the unexpected choice. The matching game was extremely difficult because none of the people had any of the traits that are most commonly associated with their race. But that's also the reason that I found the game very hard, but it just proves that you can't determine someone's race simply by their appearance.
Clearly some people have strong feelings about the quizzes, activities, etc. Your reactions are indication that you are engaged in the material, whether you agree with the premise behind the quiz, activity, etc. or not. Keep in mind, the information we've discussed in class relating to these issues is based on solid research coming out of respected institutions of higher learning such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT, The University of Chicago, etc. I do not present material in class without backing it up with substantial evidence supporting it. Perhaps it is not surprising that when one has not been confronted with issues of sexism, homophobia, racism, classism, etc. it can be a "hard pill to swallow." We can engage in healthy debate and still remain respectful toward one another. Remember, you always stand on firmer ground when you can back up your argument with research rather than personal anecdotes.
cassie4 said…
I thought the activity were you have to try to place people into groups was really hard. I only got a few of them right. This for sure shows how you can't quote "judge a book by its cover. " The site were you have to press keys " e " and " i " was also very difficult. It was like your body told you one thing and your brain told you another. My brain had mass confusion! I did ok on the quiz I got 7 out of 10 right. I think I learned the most from this web site.
corcoran3 said…
I took the quiz on how much i knew about inequality, and it turns out i dont know much at all. Now that they have new laws and regulations dealing with inequality you dont relaly think aobut it too much because you think everything is under control. I also did the activity of sorting the pictures and putting them into the correct category. It didnt really help that the pictures were so tiny you could hardly see their faces, but i still only had 4 in the right place. That just goes to show you that you really can't judge a book by it's cover.