Teen Suicide- Warning Signs

Teens who are at higher risk:

Teenagers who have attempted suicide previously, especially if problems and other recurring concerns were not completely resolved

Teenagers with little self-esteem

Teenagers in trouble with the law

Teenagers who are suffering from depression

Teenagers who have been abused, molested, or neglected

Teenagers who abuse drugs and/or alcohol

Teenagers who are perfectionists

Teenagers who are struggling with sexual orientation (gays and lesbians)

Teenagers who are in dysfunctional families

Teenagers who fail in school-potential dropouts


A recent suicide in the family or friend. Teens are especially vulnerable when a close family member or friend commits suicide. The grieving process and depression can interrupt normal thought processes.

Trouble coping with recent losses, death, divorce, moving, break-ups, etc.

Experience with a traumatic event. Sometimes a significant traumatic event can create feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Making final arrangements, such as writing a will or eulogy, or taking care of details (i.e. closing a bank account).

Gathering of lethal weapons (purchasing weapons, collecting pills, etc.).

Giving away prized possessions such as clothes, CD's, sports equipment, treasured jewelry, etc.

Preoccupation with death, such as death and/or 'dark' themes in writing, art, music lyrics, etc. Note that today's music has more of this and is not necessarily related to suicidal feelings.

Sudden changes in personality or attitude, appearance, chemical use, or school behavior.
