March 2-6

World Studies:
Western Asia and Middle East Maps
Find, Label and Color countries listed on the white board.
Introduce: The Kite Runner
We will use part of this resource (Read, highlight vocabulary and discuss in class):
Monday: Map activity, read in class (reading can be found in the link above).
The Kite Runner Project (Choose one of the following choices listed below. As we read sections from the novel and watch the movie, take notes, brainstorm ideas, etc. that will help you prepare for your final project. You will be given time at the end of each period to work on your project.)
14. Make a roadmap. If a book's characters take a trip, draw a roadmap of the trip. Cut out photos from magazines; you can even back them with cardboard, stand them up to make a 3-dimensional map.
15. Play "I'm thinking of..."On a car trip, or any time, play 20 questions, and take turns guessing which book someone is thinking of.
16. Make a storyboard. Film makers use storyboards to outline a movie plot. Storyboards are a series of squares on a poster representing action sequences. Do the same with one of your favorite books.
Wednesday: Begin the movie. Distribute handout and discuss before beginning the movie.
Other resources to be used with The Kite Runner (many for advanced high school and college-level):
Google Lit Trip:

U.S. History
This Week: Bill of Rights
Monday: First Amendment: Rights contained in the First Amendment
Values served by protecting the First Amendment
Absolutist, Balancing and Categorical Approaches to protecting the First Amendment
Speech: What is it? Pure, Speech Plus and Symbolic
In notes, draw a continuum and label least to most protected speech.
What is protected and what isn't protected? Brainstorm.
Monday and Tuesday discuss "Time, Place, Manner" restrictions, libel and slander, "fighting words", "clear and present danger", obscenity and threats to security.
Tuesday -Thursday
Landmark Cases
Schenck v. United States
In notebooks: Draw a big question mark. Divide into six parts. Label each: Who? What? When? Why? Where? How? As I lecture, complete the question mark.
Tinker v. Des Moines
Activity: Classifying Arguments
Past blog post on First Amendment:
Wednesday: Quiz (Create a concept map. I'll give you the terms you must include in your map)
Read: Marley: A Dog Like No Other
Vocabulary Worksheet: What do you think this word means, what does it mean and sketch the meaning of the word
Vocabulary: temperament, mongrel, timid, flail, cog, hurl, plod, hapless, alpha, perverse, mockery, insufferable, dense, lunge, trot, splayed, incorrigible, lozenges, radiated, contraband
Story Board Assignment: Due two days after we finish the book.


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