Darfur Resources

Children's Drawings of the conflict in Darfur. (ABC News)

AOL Video/Children's Drawings of the Darfur crisis.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum site. Information about Darfur and other genocides here. Very extensive coverage.

Online simulation - Refugee Camp


Jessie said…
mrs. hansen-george, this is a random spazzy comment/question but i was wondering what you knew about helping regugees from ethiopia, tanzania, darfur, or whatever. it's something i'm extremely interested in, but i don't know really what organizations or channels to try.
jessie, you can learn more by visiting UNICEF's (or the UN)website and/or Amnesty International's website. Nicole learned about working with refugees while a student at the University of Minnesota.
Jessie said…
thanks so much! i'll give those a look-see
Jessie said…
thanks so much! i'll give those a look-see